Friday, September 2, 2011

The game's afoot with the BHCTI Catalog

Closing in at last on the proposed BHCTI Library Catalog through American Biblical Higher Education's ABHE Solutions, though I've yet to have a clickable link for the stinker; The first iteration will feature individual links to all the items in both of our affliated GoogleBook libraries, BHCTILibrary 'Proper,' and BHCTILibraryToo, as well as Logos Bible Software's stand-alone website of full text ebooks at, and in addition all the content of ebook vendor Questia (and not only the 5,000 or so free full text items).

Those who recall our long relationship at BHCTI with Questia will remember that though the company sells individual accounts, Carroll has set these up for our students through student fees. The catalog will still require an individual login for any Questia content outside their 5,000 freebies; but Carroll students will know their accounts, or can ask...

A part of our 20,000 or so print collection (approximately 4,000 MARC records) will also be included. I hope in time to coordinate those catalog records with my available print items.

All in all, having author, title, and subject access to 75% or so of our items across vendors and platforms is a serious improvement, and (with apologies to Samurai Jack) 'an historic victory most worthy of our logs.' Or blogs. We should have the bugbots dispensed with before the month is out, so keep watching this space (and my wiki)...

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