Monday, April 20, 2009

50 more at Too

Moving forward on the originally found 10K Googlebooks, under area of concentration Church Music (Carroll abbreviation WMCMU) in BHCTILibraryToo. Watch this space as we fill it in...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Number crunching

94% of the combined libraries Googlebooks holdings fit in the SACS area of "Humanities and General Works" (2,821 books of 3K), with the next closest area, "Social Sciences" taking up a mere 142 items (4%, and these mostly classified as Church History). I can start adding new titles to the Church Music area of concentration in BHCTIToo on Monday. Nice to be able to move forward (as opposed to just catching up) again...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3K combined

Unless I miss my count, BHCTILibrary proper is full and fully accounted for. Whew! Analysis to date of the combined collections tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2.5K combined

Progress spead up over the weekend; only 500 or so to be complete with OCLC data in BHCTILibrary proper....